By Rory Johnston

Captain's Log, Stardate 46523.1:

The Enterprise has responded to a distress call from the Ferengi home-world. The transmission indicated they were on the verge of an environmental catastrophe: the planet is suffering from atmospheric disturbances that are threatening to poison the population. The Ferengi were planning to launch a series of satellites that would neutralise the problem, however their distress call indicated that they needed the help of the Federation to launch their satellites due to `unforeseen circumstances'.

This is the first time that a Federation ship has ever been to Ferengal. Up until now the Ferengi have kept its location a closely guarded secret. Starfleet Command are anxious to get as much cultural information on the Ferengi as possible, and to make sure that we solve their problem and promote peaceful relations. Commander Riker and Lieutenant Commander LaForge have beamed down to assess the situation.

"Dr Crusher!", shouted one of the nurses as she dashed into Sickbay, hauling an antigrav stretcher. Beverly pulled out her tricorder and waved it over the body as it was transferred onto the main bio-bed. "He's in cardiac arrest," she announced, "Connect the Pulmonary Support Units."

"He's got internal heamorrhaging," said one of the nurses, studying the computer panel, "Severe damage to liver and spleen. Autonomic responses failing."

"50ccs Inaprobaline," ordered Dr Crusher. The hypospray was thrust into her hand, and a second later it's contents were emptied into the patients neck with a satisfying hiss.

"Massive infection setting in," warned a medical technician, as he waved a sensor over the inert body.

"Isocortex activity falling!"
"Set up the Protodynaplasma to stabilise his immune system."
"Cortical stimulators," barked Beverly. A nurse set stimulators on the patients forehead. "Ready."
"Now," ordered Crusher as the body spasmed on the table.

"No effect," reported the nurse, "Respiratory systems shutting down. Activity levels in the Hypothalamus have fallen to one percent."

"Isocortex levels dropping rapidly."
"Damn. 30ccs Cordrazine," decided Crusher.
"Reading zero brain activity. No vital signs. It's too late doctor, he's gone."
Medical Log, Stardate 46523.7:

Following an away mission on the Ferengi home-planet, Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge is dead. Death occurred at 2355 hours from pulmonary and renal failure. Cause of death is unknown at this time.

A postmortem will have to be carried out.

Captain Picard sipped his Earl Grey Tea, looking out of his Ready- Room window. The Enterprise was in geosynchronous orbit around Ferengal. Even though its people were an ungraceful bunch, their world was beautiful. The planet was predominantly a peach colour, with interspersed blue ribbons, flowing into a few small seas. His attention turned to Livingston, his pet Lionfish, forever swirling around and around. Sometimes Picard wished he could just swim aimlessly and let the world pass him by, like at times when he lost a fellow officer. Picard looked down at his teacup, he had already drained it without even noticing. He set the cup down on his desk. Tapping his computer terminal, Picard began to dictate his log:

Captain's Log, Stardate 46523.8:

Following an "incident", our Chief Engineer is dead. Until the cause of Lieutenant Commander LaForge's death has been established, I am suspending all away missions to the surface. The Ferengi government has apologised profusely for what it called a "terrorist action", and is making every effort to investigate and catch the perpetrators.

Commander Riker has brought one of the Ferengi satellites aboard for study.
In the meantime, Commander Data has been investigating the Ferengi's atmospheric problems.

The Captain, having finished his log and his pot of tea, walked out onto the bridge; Commander Data was sitting one of the Science console along the back wall of the bridge.

"Well Mr Data, what have you got?" asked Picard, leaning over Data's shoulder.

"Ferengal has a standard Class M environment. However, their atmosphere also contains unusually high levels of radioactive elements. Long term exposure could result in radioactive contamination." Data paused, bringing up a display on the Science console, showing facts and figures. "The statistical information they provided us with showed that birth rates have dropped significantly over the past twenty years."

"What caused the radioactive particles in their atmosphere?"
"Unknown. I have interfaced with the Ferengi central computer, but I can find no reason for such a build up."
"What about the satellite system they were hoping to set up?" inquired the Captain.

"Each of their orbital platforms are equipped with force field generators, which were designed to inter-link with each other. In effect, they would put a shield around the planet."

"What went wrong with their plan?"

"I have examined one of the satellites Commander Riker beamed aboard. It appears that the algorithm governing forcefield control was badly designed and contains numerous programming errors."

"Ferengi cost cutting?"
"It would appear so. However, we should be able re-program them and put them in orbit ourselves."
"Good work, Mr Data."
Medical Log, Stardate 46524.2:

I have performed the autopsy on Commander LaForge. DNA and retinal scans have confirmed that it is indeed Geordi's body. It would appear that he was assaulted by a high-energy Thoridian field, causing widespread organ and tissue damage. The Ferengi use Thoridian fields in their disruptors and transporter beams.

"We have completed our investigation, Captain Picard. The human, Commander LaForge, was caught by a terrorist faction that does not desire the Federation's help," said the large Ferengi face, glaring from the viewscreen on the Main Bridge, "It was an unfortunate occurrence, however we have apprehended the murderers," the Ferengi paused for a second, "You can have them for a price, say... two bars of gold-pressed latinum each."

"No thank you, DaiMon Tog, we will leave them in your capable hands."
"Oh..well... how about one bar each?"
"DaiMon, we cannot interfere in your affairs like that. They must be subject to your justice system."
"I see you drive a hard bargain, human. Lets say--"
"Enough DaiMon! RehtoM! dnarg ruoy lLeS D'uOy."

The Ferengi was momentarily taken aback, but quickly recovered, "Tell me, captain, how did you find such such a business opportunity?

I didn't know there was a market for grandmothers. However, the ninth Rule of Acquisition clearly states: Never let family stand in the way of-"

"Mr Worf. Close channel."
"Channel closed," growled Worf.
"It seems our Ferengi friend isn't very concerned that his planet is about to poison him," commented Deanna.
First Officer's Log, Stardate 46524.3:
Re: Death of Lieutenant Commander LaForge.
Report for Starfleet Command.

After beaming down to the surface, we were met by DaiMon Tog outside the warehouse where the Ferengi satellites were being stored. Tog showed Geordi and I around the plant. He explained that when the probes had been completed and were being tested, they found lots of programming errors in the satellites. I had one of the satellites beamed up to the Enterprise.

DaiMon Tog was showing us around the control room, when terrorists burst in and dragged off Geordi. By the time I caught up with him he had been hit by some sort of weapon, and was near death. We beamed up to the Enterprise, and Geordi died shortly thereafter.

While we were being shown around by DaiMon Tog, his body language suggested that was very nervous. In fact, when the terrorists attacked, he seemed to hit the ground first, almost as if he was expecting trouble. It is my assessment that Tog knew that we were going to be attacked.

"Sir, sensors have detected a small craft in polar orbit. It is leaking radioactive particles at an alarming rate," reported a young lieutenant at Ops, "Sensors indicate one Ferengi male and one Ferengi female aboard."

"Open a channel, Mr Worf," decided Picard.
"Channel open."
"Ferengi vessel, this is the USS Enterprise, do you require assistance?"
"Incoming transmission. Audio only," reported Worf.
"On speakers."
"This is the Ferengi shuttlecraft Ardu. We do not require assistance. Please keep your distance. Ardu out."
"Mr Data, do the Ferengi still use Nuclear Fission propulsion systems?" inquired Captain Picard.

"No, all their shuttles, including this one, operate using the same basic principle as our impulse engines. However, our scans of Ferengal reveal a high number of old nuclear fission power plants still in operation."

"I see," said Picard, pausing for thought, "Analyse the radioactive particles coming from the shuttle."
"The debris consists mainly of radioactive by-products and spent nuclear fuel."
"Mr Worf, ready tractor beams. Oh, and make sure there are some security guards in the transporter room."
"Aye, sir."
"Transporter Room, beam the two Ferengi aboard on my mark."
"Aye, sir," reported the transporter chief.
"Helmsman, take us to one-four-eight Mark two-three-zero, three quarters impulse."

As soon as the Enterprise was within range: "Mr Worf, engage tractor beam and take them in tow," ordered Picard, shortly followed by, "Transporter Room, energise."

Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Counsellor Troi stepped through the Transporter Room doors, and were confronted by an indignant Ferengi.

"How dare you kidnap us?! You have no right!"

"That may be true, but your government asked the Federation here to help solve your planet's atmospheric troubles, which were caused by radioactive particles," Picard paused, looking at the Ferengi's reaction, "Up until now we could not see how they got into the atmosphere."

"What are you saying, human-" asked the Ferengi.
"We're saying you've poisoned your planet," interrupted Riker, "by dumping your waste in orbit!"
"Now Captain, I'm sure we could come to some," the Ferengi rubbed his fingers together, "arrangement."

Unfortunately for the Ferengi, Picard was not too impressed. Tapping his Starfleet emblem he said, "Picard to Lieutenant Worf."

"Worf here, captain."

"Mr Worf, contact the Ferengi government and inform them that we have caught the cause of their problems and have them in custody on the Enterprise."

"Aye, sir."

"Counsellor, could you see if you can get some clothes for that Ferengi?" asked Picard, looking over at the female Ferengi standing unashamedly naked on the Transporter pad.

"Commander Data, I think we have a sensor glitch," announced an Engineering officer, "The computer shows two communicators registered to Geordi LaForge."

"Computer, run a level two diagnostic on sensor arrays," ordered Data.
"All sensor systems are fully operational. No anomalous readings," announced the Enterprise computer.
"Ensign, identify where the two signals are coming from."

"One signal is coming from Sickbay. The other is coming from the surface. No, wait...the one on the surface has stopped transmitting."

"What do the sensors show in that area on the planet?" inquired Data.

"The area is the capital city of Ferengal... signal originated from the parliament building... now reading a force field around it which our sensors can't penetrate."

"Data to Captain Picard," tapping his communicator.
"Picard here."
"Captain, I think you should join me in Engineering."
"I'm on my way, Picard out."

The senior staff sat around the conference table. Captain Picard was seated at the top of the table, Riker, Troi, Worf and Crusher were sitting in the surrounding seats. Commander Data was standing by the computer screen.

Computer logs reveal that the signal from the surface exactly matched the signal given off by Geordi's communicator in both frequency and composition. The odds of a Ferengi transmission exactly matching the signal given off by a communicator are extremely low. Therefore we must assume that Geordi's communicator is on Ferengal."

"But Geordi was still wearing his communicator when was beamed aboard. It's still with his personal possessions on the Enterprise," said Crusher, looking confused.

"Doctor, your autopsy revealed Geordi had come into close contact with a high-energy Thoridian field. The Ferengi use Thoridian filters in their transporter systems. Is it possible that Geordi's pattern was fed through a Ferengi transporter buffer twice."

"That would result in two Geordi LaForges. The first to emerge from the buffer would be perfectly normal, and the second..." Beverly trailed off, as the pieces of the puzzle snapped into place inside her head, "would be a severely damaged version."

"What? Are you saying we've got a poor quality imitation of Geordi?" asked Riker, clearly confused.

"In that case the real LaForge is still alive, down on Ferengal," said a relieved Picard. "Assemble your Away Team, Commander. Use force if necessary."

Commander Riker, Worf and Data were standing in the Transporter, checking their phasers and tricorders. Shortly Dr Crusher walked in the room, carrying two hyposprays and a tricorder.

"You'll need a shot of Hyronaline to protect you from the radiation," announced Dr Crusher, as she stepped up onto the Transporter platform. Worf and Riker received their shots, while the Transporter Chief fed in the coordinates.

"I'll put you down on the front steps, Commander," said the ensign, making last minute checks on the control panel.
"Energise," ordered Riker.

The Away Team materialised in front of a large, oppressive building. Large Ferengi symbols were emblazoned above the door.

"This looks like the place," said Riker, "What are you reading, Data?" indicating the tricorder Data was studying intently.

"Fascinating," commented Data, "The shielding apparatus which prevents us from scanning this building is located on the roof. It is designed only to prevent vehicles in orbit from scanning the interior. Now that we are below the plane on the shield, we can scan inside."

"Geordi's communicator?" asked Riker, drawing his communicator.

"It is no longer active on any frequency, however the Ferengi probably detected the signal and deactivated it. I am detecting one human life-sign on the third floor."

"It could be Commander LaForge," said Worf.
"I have no way to ascertain whether or not it is Geordi, but there is a high probability that it is."

"There's only one way to find out," said Riker as he climbed the steps and walked towards the large doors, which slid apart as soon as they detected his presence. Inside was a large hall, with many doors off to one side. Lots of Ferengi were milling about looking officious. The Away Team strode up to a large desk, located in the middle of the foyer.

The Ferengi at the desk was obviously in no mood for being polite.
Riker received a curt "Yes, what do you want?"

"We have reason to believe that you are holding a Starfleet officer. We would like him back," asked Riker, trying the polite approach first.

"I... I... well... now, human," stammered the Ferengi, taken aback. While he continued to stammer, his left hand disappeared from the top of his desk, reappearing with a disruptor firmly wedged in his sweaty paw. Unbeknown to him there was a large Klingon standing behind him.

"Right," started the Ferengi, "You will leave at-"

Mr Worf made his presence felt by poking the emitter of his phaser in the Ferengi's ear. The Ferengi turned towards the grinning Klingon, standing a good three feet over him. "Put the weapon down," growled Worf. The Ferengi promptly fainted.

The entrance hall had gone strangely quiet. One Ferengi scurried between two doors, slamming them behind him. The Away Team proceeded towards the stairway. Riker lead the way.

After climbing to the third floor, their path was blocked by a locked door. Tricorder scans indicated that it had been jammed shut. Data and Worf forced it open, each pulling half the sliding door apart and once past were confronted by a long passageway, with many doors on both sides.

The human life sign is 50 metres behind this door," announced Data, scanning the area with his tricorder. There are five Ferengi in the room as well. It am detecting high-energy plasma weapons."

"Stand back," ordered Riker, as the Away Team flattened themselves against the wall. Worf reached out along the wall, and pressed the door chime. The door flung open, followed by a barrage of phaser beams. After the Ferengi had stopped firing, Worf jumped in. Riker heard five shots.

"All clear, Commander," pronounced Worf.

Riker and Data stepped into the room. The Ferengi were sprawled over the room, Worf was busy picking up their weapons. Geordi was strapped to a sinister-looking device, his visor was sitting on a shelf and his communicator had been smashed on the floor. Data scanned his friend with a tricorder.

"He's unconscious. No physical damage," said Data. His attention turned to the device Geordi was strapped to, "This appears to be some sort of neural scanner."

"Data, you take Geordi back up to the Enterprise," order Riker,
"Worf and I will stay here and see what's going on."

Data nodded. He picked up Geordi's visor, and tapped his own communicator, "Two to transport." The pale skinned android and his blind friend disappeared in a haze of blue light.

Riker moved over to the neural scanner and interrogated the computer terminal. After several minutes of tapping away at the system he concluded, "They were attempting to steal the secrets of the Enterprise."

"Did they succeed?" questioned Worf.

"It seems Geordi was uncooperative, so they tried using a mind probe. The Ferengi obviously hadn't got it configured to human brain waves and it looks as if all they got was jibberish," Riker pulled out his phaser, "But just to make sure...". Will fired his phaser at the machine, and it readily exploded.

"That takes care of that," said Worf. The Ferengi prisoners at his feet started to stir, "Looks like they're waking up."

"Ordinarily we would turn them over to the government," said Riker, slotting his phaser back to his pouch, "but it looks like these are government officials. We should take them back to the Enterprise."

"Riker to Enterprise. Transport seven," the two Starfleet officers and five bleary-eyed Ferengi beamed up to the Enterprise.

"It's getting quite full in here," commented the security officer as Mr Worf roughly tossed the Enterprise's newest guests into the brig.

"These people have no honour, they will probably try to bribe you," warned Worf.
"I've already been offered two thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum to turn off the force-field."

"Oww," yelped a Ferengi as he touched the force-field, "How dare you lock me up like this? You said you would turn me over to my government."

"This is the Ferengi we caught dumping nuclear waste in orbit," informed the security guard.

"Ah yes," said Worf, walking to the front of the cell, and peering down at the little Ferengi, "Your government denied all knowledge of you, they were not interested."

"What? That's impossible! Get Grand Nagus Zek on subspace."
"I wouldn't bother," said one of the Ferengi in the adjoining cell, "I'm already here."

"Nagus! You said nothing would happen to me if I dumped the waste in orbit. How could you lie to your own nephew?"

"Shut up, fool!"
"Throw away the key," ordered Worf.
"Course laid in, sir," reported the helmsman.
"Mr Data, are you ready?"
"Cargo transporters standing by, sir."

"Good. Engage," ordered Picard, making his famous shooting motion. At his command, the Enterprise commenced a spiral orbit around Ferengal. Every so often the Transporter would sparkle into action as the Enterprise soared overhead; within five hours all the reprogrammed satellites had been positioned in the atmosphere.

"Mr Data, run a level one diagnostic on all satellites."
Two minutes later Mr Data reported, "All satellites ready. No errors detected."
"Activate the forcefield generators."
"Forcefield generators active."

The satellites activated their forcefields. Each forcefield joined with it's neighbour, forming a network of shields around the planet, so each time a radioactive particle interacted with the shield, it sparkled and died. Ferengal flickered with silver twinkles.

"Hail them, Mr Worf."
"Hailing frequencies open."
"Deputy Krax responding."
"On screen."
"Deputy Krax, we have completed the installation of your satellite system."
"Thank you, Enterprise. May I ask about the prisoners you captured."
"Yes, you may ask."
"What has become of them?"

"They are still being held captive. We understand that we are holding your leader, Nagus Zek. He has confessed everything."

"He has? Oh dear. Captain, what can I say? I had nothing to do with it. It was Zek's idea to dump the waste and to capture your officer. He planted the computer virus. He forced us to comply to his wishes." Krax paused, then in a lower tone, "You may execute him if you wish." Wouldn't that be shame, executing the Nagus would mean that I would have to take his place.

"No Krax, that is not our way. In the light of diplomatic relations between our two peoples I am prepared to forget it ever happened."

"Thank you, captain, thank you. You have our governments sincerest apologies," said Krax humbly, Damn, I thought he would execute him for sure. Now I'll have to wait even longer to become Nagus.

"Enterprise out."
Captain's Log, Stardate 46525.6:

We have completed our mission on Ferengal. The planet is safe from the radioactive waste placed their by their own government. Geordi LaForge has been recovered, after being replicated in a transporter beam, and is recuperating well after his ordeal in the Ferengi`s custody.

I am pleased with our handling of the situation, and indeed, the Ferengal government has made the Ferengi alliance reconsider its refusal to establish diplomatic ties. Intelligence sources on the planet estimate two months before an exchange of ambassadors.
